Benton Homeschool Corporation (BHC) By-laws
Mission Statement
At BHC (Benton Homeschool Corporation) our mission is to offer the opportunity to come together in order to enrich the Christian homeschool family's learning experiences. We strive to provide engaging, social classes that support whatever curriculum your family chooses as well as activities, yearbook, graduation, prom, and many other programs.
Membership will be extended to families who have school-age children (5 by August 1st of the current year), whose primary learning is done in the home and who also agree with our statement of faith. Members must accept the organization's bylaws, sign, in agreement with, the statement of faith, and pay annual dues by the end of the enrollment period. Membership will not be extended to any student who has been expelled from public or private school without review and approval from BHC’s officers.
General Business Meeting
General Business Meetings shall be conducted annually. The meeting date, time, and location must be posted on the calendar and forum at least two weeks in advance.
Executive Committee Board
Executive Officers will consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Activities Director, and Secretary.
The Executive Committee will meet at least once quarterly. Please see the Executive Committee Handbook for an outline of their job descriptions.
To run for an executive committee board member you must have been part of the co-op for at least one year, and be a current year member in good standing.
Any elected Executive committee member may be voted off of the board by a no confidence majority vote of the full executive committee board.
Elections of Executive Committee Board
A nominating committee consisting of the Executive Committee, any appointed coordinators, and any current-year member wishing to serve will meet in April with the date, location and time to be announced on the calendar and in the forum.
The nominating committee will compose a ballot of nominees.
The president will contact nominees to verify their willingness to serve.
After a ballot of at least one name per office is completed, voting will take place.
Each nominee will make a post to the forum sharing their background, any qualifications they have that pertain to their position, as well as their goals and ideas for BHC.
Voting will take place May 1 - May 7 via a ballot method to be determined at the discretion of the executive committee (example: in person, online).
The results will be posted via the forums within 72 hours.
Elections shall be for a one-year period and will begin on June 1st of each year.
E.C. board members shall be exempt from annual dues.
E.C. board member positions (other than president) which become vacant between business meetings will be filled by the Executive Committee.
Co-op Directors, Committees and Coordinators shall be chosen or appointed as needed by the Executive Committee.
Co-op Directors & Teachers
To be a Co-op Director or Assistant Director you must be a current-year member in good standing, having had membership for at least one year and participated in co-op Classes previously.
Co-op Directors or Assistant Directors will be appointed by the Executive committee.
To teach co-op classes you must have been a part of co-op and have participated in co-op classes for one semester. Exceptions will be determined by the E.C.board and Co-op Directors on a case by case basis.
Yearbook Coordinator
BHC will set aside $400 per year to help offset the cost of the yearbook.
The yearbook coordinator will research companies to publish the yearbook. Once a price is established, the cost of the yearbook will be divided equally among those ordering a yearbook.
The yearbook coordinator will oversee the publication of a hardcover yearbook.
The yearbook coordinator will oversee the yearbook committee made up of interested students and parents.
Graduate Requirements
The graduate family must have joined BHC prior to February 1st of the graduating year in order to participate in graduation and pay the $25 graduation fee by March 1st.
Each graduate will be given a table space to display memorabilia, photos, etc.
Each graduate will be responsible for a graduate slideshow with appropriate photos and music.
It must be submitted to the executive committee of BHC for approval 21 days prior to graduation. Graduates will be given an approval or denial with a reason within 7 days.
The Graduation Committee Chairperson will be notified of all approved videos.
Denied Slideshows will be given 7 days to revise their submissions.
BHC will set aside $350 per year for graduation. If funds are available, an additional $25 per graduate will be added for each graduate after the third graduate up to $600 (example: $350 for 1-3 graduates, $375 for 4, $400 for 5, etc.).
The graduate families will serve as the graduation committee. The committee should choose a chairperson and secretary for overseeing the graduation and helping with communication. The committee will be responsible for ordering matching caps and gowns.
The graduate committee will be responsible for setting a date and planning graduation including choosing a speaker, securing a location for graduation, and overseeing the reception.
The graduate committee will divide responsibilities (cake, decorations, programs, etc.).
All receipts must be turned in to the treasurer within two weeks of graduation in order to be considered for reimbursement or you forfeit the right to reimbursement.
Field Trips
Anyone may organize and initiate a field trip. The organizer should announce any necessary information by posting the information on the calendar and forums. Those wishing to participate should RSVP via the calendar. Please note that if a fee is necessary: your slot will not be saved until a fee is paid. Refunds will be issued on a per-case basis to be determined by the executive committee and the event host.
Handling of funds
When planning an event please use the calendar to set up the payment for the event on
If you need to set up special invoicing please see the treasurer.
Payments for all activities/events/registration fees etc. are to be paid on our website or by prior arrangement mailed or hand-delivered directly to the BHC treasurer.
The BHC treasurer or president will be responsible for dispersing funds to the event coordinators.
All cash payments need to be received a week in advance. Credit payments need to be received 48 hours before the event date, thus giving time to get money to event coordinators.
Behavior Policy
All children must behave in a courteous and controlled manner at all BHC events. The rules set at all events by the event organizers must be followed. Each participating student and adult is expected to respect and follow the leader's directions. In the event that a child or parent becomes disruptive or behaves in a manner that degrades the Christian witness of the group, the offending family may be asked to leave by the group organizer.
Violent misbehavior should be reported confidentially to the President. The President shall investigate the complaint. The executive committee shall determine what further action is necessary.
Conflict resolution of a non-violent type should be handled using the model given in Matthew 18.
Guests may be invited by members to participate in events that are not limited to the membership by event organizers. If there is limited space available, priority will be given to BHC members before guests are allowed to sign up.
Amending the BHC Statement of Faith
For our statement of faith to be amended, a committee consisting of the Executive Committee and any members wishing to participate in the process must hold a meeting with the location, date, and time posted on the calendar and forum at least two weeks in advance. After the first meeting, additional meetings may be planned by those in attendance at the first meeting, but still open to those who inquire about future meetings. These meetings will be posted on the calendar and forum, but do not require two weeks' advance notice. After the committee meets and discusses changes, any changes must be passed by a 75% margin of current members voting in an online poll. The changes must be posted on the forum for at least two weeks before a vote.
Amending BHC By-laws
For our by-laws to be amended, a committee consisting of the Executive Committee and any members wishing to participate in the process must hold a meeting with the location, date, and time posted on the calendar and forum at least two weeks in advance. After the first meeting, additional meetings may be planned by those in attendance at the first meeting, but still open to those who inquire about future meetings. These meetings will be posted on the calendar and forum, but do not require two weeks' advance notice. After the committee meets and discusses changes, any changes must be passed by a 75% margin of current members voting in an online poll. The changes must be posted on the forum for at least two weeks before a vote.